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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Escape to Witch Mountain Book Review

Book Review
Title: Escape to Witch Mountain
Alexander Key

About three weeks ago I was in the library picking up a copy of The Forgotten Door for my fifth grade teacher wife, when I spotted Escape to Witch Mountain (both books were written by Alexander Key). Escape to Witch Mountain was one of my favorite books when I was in Elementary School, so I decided to check it out and see how the book has held up over time. Unfortunately, before I had a chance to read it my 8 year old daughter lay claim to it and I have just recently got it back and was able to finish it.

When I first read the book I loved and related to the main characters Tony and Tia. These brother and sister protagonists are orphans that feel "different" and as "outsiders" and have amazing, almost magical abilities. They keep hoping to somehow stumble across the world they had come from, a place where they would be accepted for who they were. Of course as a child, I often waited to discover my own "true" magical or other-worldly home as well, but that is another story...

These characters are just as appealing today, as are the other main actors in the story: Father O'day, the helpful Vietnam Veteran Priest, and the sinister Mr. Deranian, the antagonist of the book. Escape to Witch Mountain is an adventure story, with the kids Tony and Tia running from the evil Deranian and trying to find their true home and family. Alexander Key does a wonderful job building the suspence of the story at the same time he slowly unveils the truth behind Tony and Tia's abilities and origins.

There is also some social commentary here - about how we, the people of Earth, treat our planet, the animals we share it with, and anyone who is percieved as "different". This is nicely done as part of the story and not in preachy asides.

Overall a good exciting, suspenceful read, with interesting, believable (even if they are alians with special "abilities") characters. Recommended. And my eight year old daughter seconds the recommendation!

Note: if you have seen the Disney movie based on the book, be forwarned that the book is quite different. Of course the book is much better...



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